The Celebration Sermon
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The Celebration Sermon
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The Celebration
From Death to Life Week 3
Matt Stout [College Grove Campus Pastor]
Scripture References & Sermon Points
• Scripture Reference: John 12:12-20
• Sermon Point 1 = Praise The King
• Sermon Point 2 = Proclaim The King
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me
The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
Think of a time when you felt certain how a situation would work out but it turned out much different than you thought. How did you come to believe the situation would turn out how you originally thought? How did the situation turn out how it did? Did you think, after the fact, about how you were wrong or what information you could have missed to get to a different conclusion?
Into the Bible
The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read Mark 9:30-32. This isn’t the first time Jesus speaks of His death. Not long before this discussion, Jesus tells the disciples of His death and resurrection (Mark 8:31-33). Why do you think the disciples did not understand (v.32) what Jesus was talking about even though He had told them before?
Read John 8:21-30. Compared to the previous passage from Mark, this passage is harder to understand, but not unknowable. Jesus tells us how we can understand Him; we listen to Him! Those who don’t understand Jesus are paying attention to the wrong things (v.25). Those who listen rightly believe Him (v.30). What are some of the teachings of Jesus you didn’t understand previously but now understand?
The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Read John 12:12-15. The people of Israel shouted the truth that Jesus is the King of Israel. They recognized all He did and raised Him up in their minds to be their Messiah. But some of them would soon turn and scream for His death. How do you praise Jesus without without turning?
Read John 12:16. The core disciples had been with Jesus day and night. They heard His teachings. They saw His miracles. They didn’t understand everything till after the fact. How is our having and knowing scripture a significant gift compared to those who walked side by side with Jesus (ref. John 20:24-29)?
Read John 12:17-20. Even after all Jesus did there were Pharisees who resisted Jesus. They knew scripture and witnessed miracles, yet turned away. What can you/we do to resist the trappings of the world and follow Jesus’ commands, living in true obedience?