Faithful Life. Faithful Death. Sermon
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Faithful Life. Faithful Death.
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Faithful Life. Faithful Death.
Matt Stout [College Grove Campus Pastor]
Scripture References & Sermon Points
• Scripture Reference: Hebrews 11:22
• Sermon Point 1 = Living a Faithful Life
• Sermon Point 2 = Dying a Faithful Death
• Scripture Reference: Genesis 50:22–23
• Scripture Reference: Genesis 50:24
• Scripture Reference: Genesis 15:13–14
• Scripture Reference: Genesis 50:25–26
• Scripture Reference: Exodus 13:19
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me: The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
Think of a time when someone close to you knew they would die soon, with soon being within weeks or within a year. What kind of wisdom did they impart to you? If in the same situation, what wisdom or direction would you impart to others?
Into the Bible: The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read Hebrews 13:7-9. In three verses, the author of Hebrews is beginning to close out the letter with strong direction and wisdom. Verse 7 says, “Remember your leaders…and imitate their faith.” Who would these leaders have been? This verse also says, “Consider the outcome of their life…”. What kind of outcomes would make you want to imitate their faith?
Read 2 Timothy 2:2. Paul’s second letter to Timothy has urgency. He is expecting to die soon so his instructions are strong. He tells Timothy to make sure what was taught to him is taught to “faithful men”. What are some characteristics of faithful men you know from scripture?
Application: The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Read Hebrews 11:22. The author of Hebrews mentions a very specific request Joseph made. Joseph was a faithful man and his faith in the Lord blessed many people over many years. Why do you think only this final request of Joseph is mentioned in this hall of fame of faith?
Read Genesis 15:13-14. The Lord told Abram (Abraham) that the enslavement of the Israelites to Egypt would take place. We know from scripture it did. Abraham knew what God had in store, but he had enough faith in what God had told him and how things would work out to follow God’s plan. What does this say about living a faithful life?
Read Genesis 50:24-26. These verses cover what is written in Hebrews 11:22. Ultimately Moses does carry Joseph’s bones from Egypt (Exodus 13:19). What would have had to happen between the time of Joseph’s brothers and Moses for this to happen? What does this say about all the people between the time of Joseph’s brothers and Moses?