Origin of Sin & Salvation Sermon
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Origin of Sin & Salvation Sermon
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Origin of Sin & Salvation Sermon
Matt Stout [College Grove Campus Pastor]
Sermon Points & Scripture References:
Sermon Takeaway = Origin of Sin & Salvation
Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:1–7
Sermon Point: Confused About God’s Word
Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:1
Sermon Point: Confused About God’s Goodness
Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:2-3
Sermon Point: Confused About God’s Judgment
Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:4
Scripture Reference: Romans 5:12
Scripture Reference: Genesis 3:15
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me
The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
Think of a time when you were told one thing only to find out later it was not true. What were you told? Why were you told this? Did the truth make the lie better or worse?
Into the Bible
The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read John 17. This part of John's Gospel is what is called Jesus’ “High Priestly Prayer”. What you notice from Jesus is a number “I” and “you” statements that show the relationship of the Son to the Father. What you also see is Jesus’ relationship to those who are His. What are some key things that stand out to you? How does Jesus’ words feel personal to you?
Read Ephesians 4:11-16. At the center of this passage, Paul talks about how we are to grow and not be misled, whether it is in worldly things or misrepresentation of God's Word. See saying we love Jesus and truly knowing Jesus may not be the same. Truly knowing Jesus means loving Jesus for who He is, what He said, and what He has done and will do. What catches your attention in these verses? What does it mean to be “tossed to and fro” and why is this significant?
The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Read Genesis 3:1. The serpent’s strategy was to confuse Eve about God’s Word. He does the same to you and me. This is why it’s so important for us to know God’s Word so we can separate truth from error. What are common errors that you know of that people make regarding the Bible? What are Teachings you know of that get Scripture wrong?
Read Genesis 3:2-5. The serpent made them feel God didn’t have their best interest at heart. “He doesn’t really love you. He’s holding out on you. You know what’s best for your life.” The serpent’s strategy was to confuse Eve about what God said, God’s Word, and then to get her to focus on what God prohibited rather than all God had permitted. Based on what God has prohibited, the “do not” items in Scripture, what can we understand about the things God does want us to do? Give a few examples.
Read Genesis 3:6-7. Notice, when they realized they’d blown it, they tried to fix it themselves by covering their brokenness with fig leaves. Adam couldn’t trust Eve because she hurt him rather than helped him. Eve couldn’t trust Adam because he didn’t protect, defend, and lead her. Sin separates us from God and each other. It causes us not to trust each other. What are other examples in Scripture you remember where someone/people relied upon themselves and it did not turn out well? Did God step in and help in any way?
Read Genesis 3:15. Remember, the bad news is that the price for sin is death. God said, when you eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you will die. So, God promised that He’d send His Son to pay the price of death for all who believe in Him. The serpent said take and eat and brought the curse. The night before Jesus died, during the Lord’s Supper, He said take and eat and the curse will be reversed. How does sin impact your life both directly and indirectly? How does the power of salvation through Jesus and the work of the Holy Spirit in your life fight back the lure of sin and the lies used by Satan?