Come & See The Empty Tomb – Easter 2024
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Come & See The Empty Tomb – Easter 2024
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Come & See The Empty Tomb Sermon
Kyle Goen [Riverdale Campus Pastor]
Sermon Points & Scripture References:
• Sermon Takeaway = Come & See The Empty Tomb
• Scripture Reference: Matthew 28:1–10
• Sermon Point: The King on a Colt – If the tomb is empty, your life doesn’t have to be
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me
The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
Can you recall a promise someone made to you that had a significant positive impact on your life? How did it affect you?
Reflecting on your experiences, have there been instances where a promise restored your faith or hope during a challenging time?
Have you experienced situations where keeping a promise required sacrifice or personal inconvenience? How did you navigate that decision?
In what ways do promises shape our sense of security and stability in relationships and communities?
Into the Bible
The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read Psalm 22. This Psalm calls out several elements of the death and resurrection of Jesus. What verses show this and what is the significance?
Read Isaiah 53:3-11. Isaiah 53 is the most extensive of the Messianic prophecies and one of the best known. What does each verse say about Jesus and how is this significant?
The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Read Matthew 28:1. In the early morning hours, a group of women went to see the tomb. These were the same women who had followed Jesus, stood by Him at the cross, and prepared His body for burial after His crucifixion. They rose early in the morning and showed up at the place of His burial. In the other gospels, we’re told they came to anoint Jesus’ body one more time with fragrant spices to overcome the smell of death as His body decayed. What do you believe they expected to see when they got to the tomb? Do you see any indicator in the text here - or Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-10, John 20:1-10 - that they expected to see Jesus alive that morning? Why did none of the women or the other disciples remember what Jesus said about his death and resurrection?
Read Matthew 28:2-6. The angel came from heaven to roll a stone so that the women could peer in, so that Peter and John could stoop to see, and so today we would be faced with the reality of the empty tomb. You see the angel didn’t roll the stone away so that Jesus could get out and walk, but so that we could look in and witness. What do you believe is the biggest reason people do not believe in Jesus’ resurrection? What are some ways you could explain the resurrection that is both simple and inspiring?
Read Matthew 28:7-10. The women in their fear and joy stood puzzled by all that was taking place. They didn’t know what to think. In Luke’s account, Luke 24:1–10, the angel reminded them of what Jesus said about this day and the days prior, and they remembered. Then they were told to go tell the others and to do what Jesus said. In what kind of situations do you become forgetful of important things, and how can you identify with the disciples that they didn’t remember what Jesus said about His death and resurrection? What can you do to be prepared to face challenging situations so that you will be seen as reasonable and faithful?