Come & See What He’s Doing
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Come & See What He’s Doing
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Come & See What He’s Doing Sermon
Kyle Goen [Riverdale Campus Pastor]
Sermon Points & Scripture References:
• Sermon Takeaway = Come & See What He’s Doing
• Scripture Reference: Acts 1:6–11
• Sermon Point: Jesus is Redeeming
• Scripture Reference: Acts 1:6–8
• Sermon Point: Jesus is Reigning
• Scripture Reference: Acts 1:9
• Scripture Reference: Acts 2:32–36
• Scripture Reference: Psalm 110:1
• Scripture Reference: Psalm 2:1–6
• Scripture Reference: 1 John 2:1
• Sermon Point: Jesus is Returning
• Scripture Reference: Acts 1:10–11
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me
The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
Can you recall a specific instance where intercessory prayer made a tangible difference in someone's life or situation?
Have you ever experienced the impact of someone else's intercessory prayer on your own life or circumstances? How did it affect you?
How does the assurance of salvation impact your daily walk with God and your interactions with others?
Into the Bible
The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read Ephesians 4:8-10. In this passage, Paul refers to Jesus ascending on high after descending to the lower regions (which is commonly interpreted as his earthly ministry, death, and resurrection). Paul sees this ascension as part of Jesus' exaltation, where he triumphantly leads a host of captives and bestows gifts upon humanity. What do you understand by the idea of Jesus bestowing gifts upon humanity? How can we share the hope and blessings of Jesus' victory and gifts with others who may be searching for meaning and purpose in their lives?
Read Romans 8:34. In this verse, Paul is assuring us of Christ's continual presence and active involvement in our lives. Not only did Jesus sacrifice himself for our sins, but he also continues to plead our case before God, ensuring our access to divine grace and favor. This truth underscores the unbreakable bond between us as believers and God, sealed by the redemptive work of Jesus Christ.. Have you ever struggled with feelings of condemnation or unworthiness? How does the assurance of Jesus' intercession provide comfort and hope in those moments?
The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Read Acts 1:6-8. Jesus came to redeem the world - He made the payment, the transaction went through, He has His proof of purchase, and is now taking what He purchased for Himself. So the redemption of our world isn’t ours to accomplish - Jesus is doing it now. Our job is to obey His call to go into the world and participate in His redemption through the power of the Holy Spirit. How does the disciples' question in verse 6 reflect their understanding of Jesus' mission and the kingdom of God? How does the understanding of Jesus as the initiator and accomplisher of redemption affect our approach to evangelism and sharing the gospel? Can you relate to the disciples' desire for immediate restoration and resolution of societal issues? How does this resonate with contemporary issues in our world?
Read Acts 1:9. Jesus lives right now to advocate for us! When we sin, we desire to be forgiven - and God the Father desires to forgive us. Standing between us is Jesus our Mediator who confirms to both the Father and us that His blood has covered us. So we can have the forgiveness we want and the Father can righteously give the forgiveness He desires to give. Because Jesus is reigning, we don’t have to be consumed with worry about the state of the world, nor do we have to be consumed with worry about the state of our souls. Jesus presented His sacrifice to the Father, and now He lives to intercede for us whenever we sin. Think about the peace and assurance that come from knowing Jesus is interceding for us. How does this truth shape our perspective on the challenges and uncertainties we face in life?
Read Acts 1:10-11.The ascension is the assurance of the future descension at the Second Coming. The ascension was the final stage of Christ’s humiliation (time on earth). Now, He lives in exaltation as High King and He will return as such. How does Jesus' ascension impact our understanding of his authority and power? In what areas of your life do you see the authority and power of Jesus at work? What steps can you take to keep the hope of Jesus' return alive in your daily thoughts and actions?