1 in 1 | My Teen Doesn't Love the Church
Does your student – or do you – have trouble seeing why we should attend the Sunday morning gathering? Is the church seen to your children as a building, or do they view the church as Jesus really does: a blood-bought, imperfect, holy, and loving band of brothers and sisters that He calls His own so that they would glorify Him in all the earth? Watch this week’s 1-in-1 and read some of the additional resources as you ponder how we must view the church and it’s necessary place in our lives.
“Jesus Christ, the Friend of sinners and the Lord of all, loves the church–so much that He died for, not it, but them!”
Additional resources:
Video Transcript:
What’s up, parents? As you begin discipling your kids this new year, many of you are hopefully striving to know Jesus more and make Him known with all your lives. One of the primary means that God gives us to do that is His body, the church!
However, many of you may have children that don’t see the benefit in attending on Sundays, or, if we’re being honest, they just don’t want to be there. So, how do we help them see the church differently and enjoy gathering with other believers?
In Ephesians 5, Paul writes about the church, saying “For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.”
Jesus Christ, the Friend of sinners and the Lord of all, loves the church–so much that He died for, not it, but them!
When we or our students fail to love the church, it’s often because we forget that the church is more than a building we visit a couple times a week. It’s actually the whole body of Christ that He loves and calls to complete His mission.
Remember, your kids are following your lead, so, teach your students how to experience the love of Christ and let that spill over into their views of those that He died to save. Jesus clearly thought of the church as more than an occasional Sunday morning occurrence, so we should, too.