God places every believer in specific times and places so they can point people to Him (Acts 17:26-27).
If you are not already using your gifts and talents to serve God here in our community, we want you to get invested with trusted partners and ministries that reduce the suffering of this world and point people to find life in Jesus.
Local Partners and Ministries
Serving Jesus Christ by impacting the lives of northern Rutherford County residents through construction projects, children activities, and adult education.
English Second Language (ESL) classes provide those at any level of English to practice and learn English here at LifePoint.
Matches individuals and families to MTSU international students during their time in the States.
The Food Pantry will help provide food boxes to Rutherford County Residents. You can partner to help by donating food items.
Use your unique skills/gifts to serve foster and adoptive families and find out how you become a foster parent.
The LifePoint Giving Tree is your chance to bless a child in your community this Christmas by purchasing gifts and clothing for them.
ICC exists to reach the immigrant and refugee population for Christ through biblical hospitality, evangelism, disciple-making, and church planting.
The Journey Home provides daily meals and personal necessities to the homeless of Rutherford County.
ONEless Ministries exists is to make one less vulnerable child by providing grants for adopting families.
Operation Christmas Child exists to show God’s love in a real and tangible way to underprivileged children across the globe, and together with the Church, to share the Gospel of Christ.
Room in the Inn offers hospitality and hope to guests who would otherwise find themselves on the streets during the winter months.
S2L exists to illuminate the life of freedom that is offered through Christ using biblical training, innovative pastoral counseling and residential discipleship to those suffering from addictions.
Sew Much More spreads the Gospel through making handmade clothing that are sent to third world countries via LifePoint Sending teams.
Provides Rutherford County foster children with free clothing, hygiene items, and school supplies.