What is Salvation?
To understand God’s salvation, we must first understand our need for salvation. Since Adam and Eve committed the first sin by disobeying God’s instructions in the Garden of Eden, everyone after that has been born into sin. We, like Adam and Eve, have been separated from God by our sins.
The Problem
God is perfect in His holiness. He cannot tolerate sin, cannot look upon sin, and cannot have a relationship with anyone who has sin until the penalty for that sin has been paid and the sin removed. Without someone to save us, we would pay our own penalty in the desolation of a real place called Hell … completely and eternally separated from God.
The Solution
Even though we were sinners, and deserved to suffer our own punishment, God loved us and sent Jesus, His sinless, only Son, to save us. Jesus loved us, and agreed to take our punishment upon Himself.
This SALVATION that God provided to us, through faith in Jesus Christ, cannot be earned. It is a gift that only He can give.
Jesus died for our sins, and God raised Him from the dead, so we could have the gift of salvation — eternal life in Him. We accept that gift by:
Believing in our hearts that Jesus is the Son of God, that he died for us, and that God raised Him from the dead.
Repenting: turning away from our sins.
Confessing: acknowledging our belief in Jesus, and that we accept Him as our Lord and Savior.
When we accept the gift of salvation, we also receive the Holy Spirit … the Helper that Jesus promised would come, after Jesus returned to Heaven … Who lives within the heart of every believer, comforting us and teaching us how to live a Christ-centered life.
Then we acknowledge to others that we have accepted this wonderful gift of salvation, when we are buried with Christ by baptism.
If you have any questions, or think you are ready to accept the gift of salvation and begin living a Christ-centered life, we would be honored to help you along your journey. Please email or call us at 615.459.3311. We would love to listen to you, talk with you, and pray with you.
What does all of this mean to me?
Are you tired of living in fear…of carrying your burdens alone? Hear Jesus’ invitation:
Do you want to go to Heaven when you die? Consider how God made that possible...
Do you long to be a part of a faith family, who will help you find your way? Welcome to LifePoint!
Are you ready to accept the free gift of salvation?
You can begin here
Believe that Jesus is the Son of God.
Believe that Jesus died for your sins.
Believe that Jesus was raised from the dead, and now lives forever at the right hand of God in Heaven.
Turn away from your sins, and commit yourself to Jesus Christ and His ways.
Tell someone that you are now a believer in Christ.
Contact us at LifePoint for information about baptism and other ways you can begin your new life with Christ.