Courage To Confess Sermon
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Courage To Confess Sermon
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Strength & Courage
Week 6
Jordan Raybon [Stewarts Creek Campus Associate Minister]
Scripture References & Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference — Joshua 7
Sermon Point 1 — We Are Called To Fight Our Sin
Sermon Point 2 — We Fight By Confessing Our Sin
Scripture Reference — James 5:16
Scripture Reference — 1 John 1:9
Sermon Discussion Questions
Special Instructions: Leaders, in order to preserve at least 30 minutes for the exercise at the end, please carefully manage the first portion of your group conversation today.
Into the Bible:
Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read: Romans 6:23
How is death the “wages” that sin pays, & what is our one and only means of escape?
How does Satan use shame to keep many people from seeking the free gift God offers?
In this sermon, we learned about the damage sin causes when it is kept secret. Explain why the sin that we hold aside & keep secret, is so much more damaging than a sin we confess? (See James 5:16.)
When Jesus was on earth, He said, “No one can be a slave to two masters…” (Matthew 6:24). Anyone who tries this, finds themselves torn between two opposing forces. There is NO real joy in a life divided. Take the next 30 minutes to be brutally honest with yourself, as you work through the following thoughts in private. Then make an action plan.
Step 1:
What things have I put ahead of my relationship with God? Is He my master, or do I have another? (E.g. work, money, TV, children, sex, addictions, control, etc.)
Ask yourself: Does my heart gravitate more toward keeping this sin or letting it go?
How is keeping my sin hidden working out for me? Am I flourishing? Am I happy? Does this really satisfy my deepest longings?
Is my marriage better? Do I have a good relationship with my kids?
Can I sleep well at night? Or am I always looking over my shoulder? Did I remember to reset my search history last night? How heavy is the burden as I worry someone will catch me in my secret shame?
Is there a sin in my life that I could not imagine living without? Or do I desire freedom from it, as hard as it is to fight it?
Step 2:
What price are you willing to pay? Can courage win over shame & pride? Do you truly trust that God is bigger than your sin—big enough to save you out of darkness?
Who do you need to confess your sins to? Who have you sinned against? Do you believe in God’s miraculous ability to bring the person you have sinned against into grace & forgiveness, or Satan’s lie that they will abandon you? What if they do abandon you? Is a real relationship with God worth more to you than a fake relationship you may have built on the lie of hidden sins?
Who can you talk to and receive support from as you prepare to reveal what you have to this point hidden? (Minister, Pastor, Group Leader, Deacon, Church Counselor)
There will never be a “good time” to confess serious sins. If you are dealing with a sin that is turning you into a secret slave—keeping you from salvation in Christ or further growth as a Christian—when will you MAKE the time to confess and find healing?
Final idea:
For most of us, our sins can loom so largely that we see no hope for forgiveness. We hate what we have become, and we can’t possibly see the person we have sinned against ever forgiving us. Sometimes it’s easier to start by sharing with someone you don’t know well. However, be careful. Don’t just choose any stranger who will listen. We all need real help sometimes, the kind that only the God of amazing grace brings. Take a minute to pray for God’s intervention in your situation, and then intentionally seek out a (same sex) staff member. We will be honored to set up a time to listen to you, share God’s word with you, and begin the process of healing. Standing side by side with a faithful servant can be all the difference between a life of slavery and a life of freedom! God bless our journey! God does not call us to be comfortable—He calls us to be COURAGEOUS! Pray that your Father in Heaven will make you courageous now.