It’s All About Jesus Sermon
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It’s All About Jesus Sermon
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It’s All About Jesus Sermon
Kyle Goen [Riverdale Campus Pastor]
Colossians 1:15-23
Scripture References & Sermon Points:
Scripture Reference: Colossians 1:15-23
Sermon Point 1: Jesus Over Physical Creation
Sermon Point 2: Jesus Over Spiritual Creation
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me:
Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
What things in your life are you responsible for, & how well do you feel you are in control of those things?
Into the Bible:
Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read: Job 12:10
According to this scripture, who would you say, has all the control?
What does the reference to “... the breath of all mankind” help us to understand?
Instructions: The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
If God made it all (breathed/spoke it into existence), & God is in control of it all; then why do we have so much trouble letting God lead?
What areas of your life have you truly let God take control, & what areas are you still trying to hold onto the wheel yourself?
Compare the two….how has surrendering parts of your life to God’s leadership transformed your life?
What would you like to attack next? More pointedly…what is the next thing that you would like to surrender to God, & what could you do today to start that process?