Come & See the Word in the Wilderness
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Come & See the Word in the Wilderness Sermon
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Come & See the Word in the Wilderness Sermon
Matt Stout [College Grove Campus Pastor]
Sermon Points & Scripture References:
• Sermon Takeaway = Come & See the Word in the Wilderness
• Scripture Reference: Luke 4:1-4
• Sermon Point: Rely on God’s Word
• Scripture Reference: Luke 4:5-8
• Sermon Point: Worship God Alone
• Scripture Reference: Luke 4:9-13
• Sermon Point: Obey His Commandments
Sermon Discussion Questions
Get to know me
The purpose of these questions is to generate responses that are self-revealing and informative. Feel free to ask all of these questions to your group or simply choose the one that best fits your group.
Can you share a positive experience where obedience led to a favorable outcome?
Do you believe blind obedience is ever appropriate, or should there always be room for questioning intent?
Are there instances where disobedience is justified? If so, what are they?
In what situations is following instructions without question a sign of responsibility and dependability?
How does a shared commitment to obedience create a sense of unity and common purpose in a community?
Into the Bible
The purpose of these questions is to draw group members into the Bible to discover the truth from passages that were not the primary text for the weekend message.
Read Romans 6:1-14. When we receive Christ's salvation, we become dead to sin. Our old self dies and we are a new creation. Does this mean we never sin again? No. Our sin is not counted against us anymore. The difference pre-salvation to salvation is the Spirit working in us. The Spirit reveals and convicts us of sin. How have you seen your sin become less and less over time? How have you seen your joy in obedience grow over time?
The purpose of these questions is to apply the main points from the weekend message.
Read Luke 4:1-4. Notice how this began — Jesus was led by the Spirit to be tempted. Mark says, the Spirit of God “drove Him” to there. This was not an accidental conflict or just bad timing — this was a God ordained test for His Son to show the world that He could stand where Adam fell. What do you know of God testing those who are His (see James 1:2-4, Romans 5:1-5)? Why is Jesus’ obedience in the wilderness encouraging for us?
Read Luke 4:5-8. Next, Satan took Jesus and showed him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And says, I’ll give it all to you, if you will just worship me. Notice what Satan admits — I’ll give it to you, for it has been delivered to me. Delivered by who? God. Nothing is Satan’s. He’s a liar, a slanderer, an accuser. Ultimately, the test Satan laid before Jesus was to doubt God’s plan for His life and take a shortcut to glory. How do you recognize and distinguish things or situations in life that God is using to grow you versus the enemy trying to deceive you?
Read Luke 4:9-13. Many times in our life today, we find ourselves in wilderness moments, faced with temptations and trials. If we’re going to see victory in our lives we don’t only need to rely on the Word but we must choose to obey it. Jesus didn’t conquer temptation through spitting scripture at the devil. That was half of it. He conquered through obedience. What are some ways that you battle against sin to remain obedient or ways that help you deny sin? How important is it to have other believers walking along with you and why is this so significant?