Gather for the Gospel
12 Habits for Holiness - Week 6
RC Ford [Stewarts Creek Campus Pastor]
Acts 2:42-47
Week of June 23, 2019 My House Worship Guide
Day 1
Read: Hebrews 10:19-25
Thank God that we have access to God through the blood of Jesus.
Thank God that our confidence in Jesus gives us reason for gathering with the body of Christ.
Ask God to make you committed to the gathering of God’s people often.
Sing: Praises - My House Worship Sessions
Day 2
Read: Acts 2:42-47
Thank God for the example the early Church shows us of genuine fellowship.
Thank God that our fellowship is for our good and the glory of God among the nations.
Ask God to give you a sweet fellowship with your Church family that models that of the early Church.
Sing: Praises - My House Worship Sessions
Day 3
Read: 1 John 1:1-4
Thank God for the life that is found in a relationship with God through Jesus.
Thank God for the fellowship with have with one another in the body through Christ.
Ask God to make your joy complete through the fellowship we have with Him and His Church.
Sing: Praises - My House Worship Sessions