More than A Contract


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More than A Contract

Pat Hood [Lead Pastor]

Sermon Points & Scripture References: 

• Sermon Takeaway = More than A Contract

• Scripture Reference = Genesis 2:18-25

• Sermon Point = Marriage is Divine Design

• Sermon Point = Marriage is Exclusive

• Sermon Point = Marriage is Permanent

• Sermon Point = Marriage is God’s Glory, not your happiness

Sermon Discussion Questions

Passage: Genesis 2:18-24, Ephesians 5:22-33

Highlight: What did the passage/message say?

  1. How would you summarize the passage in your own words? 

  2. As you read the passage or listened to the message, were there any words, phrases, or themes that felt significant or impactful to you? If so, what were they, and why did they stand out?

Explain: What does the passage mean?

  1. What principles of Adam and Eve’s relationship can be applied to your marriage?

  2. What steps can you take to prioritize your marriage this week?

  3. How do these truths about marriage apply to someone who isn’t married?

Apply: How does the passage change my life?

  1. What principles of David and Jonathan’s friendship can be applied to your own friendships?

  2. How can you make regular time for friendship in your life?

Respond: How do I respond to what God has said?

  • Adoration: Praise God for being steadfast and immovable in His love for us.

  • Confession: Consider where you have neglected your marriage or haven’t believed that marriage is God’s great design. Confess that to God.

  • Thanksgiving: Thank God for your spouse (or for a marriage that’s had a profound impact on you).

  • Supplication: Ask God to make your marriage all about God’s glory. If you aren’t married, ask God to satisfy you in this time and to make your life all about Him.


You can use the basic discussion outline seen above (H.E.A.R method) to aid in your Bible reading and comprehension. Learn more about the H.E.A.R method.