More Than Heirs They Are Arrows
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More Than Heirs They Are Arrows
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More Than Heirs They Are Arrows
Pat Hood [Lead Pastor]
Sermon Points & Scripture References:
• Sermon Takeaway = More Than Heirs They Are Arrows
• Scripture Reference = Psalm 127:3-5
• Sermon Point = Arrows Are Sharpened
• Sermon Point = Arrows Are Shot
Sermon Discussion Questions
Main Idea: Children are More Than Heirs. They’re Arrows.
Passage: Psalm 127:3-5
Highlight: What did the passage/message say?
How would you summarize the passage in your own words?
As you read the passage or listened to the message, were there any words, phrases, or themes that felt significant or impactful to you? If so, what were they, and why did they stand out?
Explain: What does the passage mean?
What words are used to describe children in this passage? What do these truths mean?
In our sin, what lies do we believe about children? How does this passage correct those lies?
Apply: How does the passage change my life?
How do these truths about children affect those of us who don’t have kids? How does this passage intersect with those who struggle with infertility?
What rhythms can we adopt to shape our children into Christ’s image and shoot them out?
How can we grow deeper in our Father’s love for us (as His children)?
Respond: How do I respond to what God has said?
Adoration: Praise God for being our faithful and loving Father.
Confession: Confess to God where you’ve not stewarded the children in your life faithfully.
Thanksgiving: Thank God for specific children in your life!
Supplication: Pray for the salvation and sanctification of your kids (or the kids around you).
Watch: God-Centered Children: Teaching Our Kids the Biggest Vision
Listen: Should Children Sit Through 'Big Church'? & Is ‘Gentle Parenting’ Biblical?
You can use the basic discussion outline seen above (H.E.A.R method) to aid in your Bible reading and comprehension.Learn more about the H.E.A.R method.